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Paraguay Joins One Small Town Activation

Our plan is simple. If you can’t get your mayor to support the ONE SMALL TOWN plan, find the right candidate to run for Mayor – or run for Mayor yourself if you have what it takes. We now have such a candidate in Paraguay. This may be the first UBUNTU Movement member to actually RUN FOR MAYOR. I will feed back more details after my Zoom call with Andreas in Paraguay. Let this be an encouragement for all UBUNTU members. Many people in many countries have shown interest in doing this, but as far as I know, this will be the first actual ONE SMALL TOWN Mayor candidate. Running for Mayor is not to be taken lightly. We cannot reduce our initiative to a circus act. This is a serious commitment that requires deep commitment and a very detailed comprehension of the ONE SMALL TOWN plan. All candidates will need to be groomed and trained before such a commitment, to be prepared for the questions and attacks from media and community members. I have 16 years of experience in this for those who are new to this movement. So if you want to run for Mayor, please contact me so we can start the training sessions. More info about Paraguay to come soon – and more exciting feedback about OST Canada.

In unity – Michael Tellinger

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