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Bumble Bees for our Future

Without bees, most of the food we take for granted would disappear from our world. This is why the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative is prioritizing bee and honey crops as one of the cornerstones of our initiative.

We plan to install 100,000 hives with a variety of 20 African medicinal plants in the tribal lands of the Kuruman OST initiative. This way, the medicinal plants produce a very good income for the people and the medicinal honey too.

One Small Town Ras El Matn is investing in a majestic Bee World like no other.

It includes the production & sale of honey, propolis, venom, beehive air therapy, apitherapy, honey vinegar, honey wine, bees, tourism, certification programmes, manufacturing of bee hives, a research & testing lab & more…

Thanks to incredible & professional Bee Keepers like Nahida Salha who is an example to the world with her intelligence, creativity, expertise & love for nature & the bees that this is all possible.

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In Unity

Michael Tellinger

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